Уплотнительная пластина 9421611804 (manufacturer BOSCH) - retail price 321.25 rub., Wholesale price - according to the contract. Delivery time: in stock and on order. Free delivery in Moscow or to the transport company. According to the manufacturer's catalog, the auto part belongs to the following groups: Системы дизельного впрыска, Дизельные запасные части (традиционные системы). The main characteristics of the article 9 421 611 804: dimensions (269/159/9/) mm., weight - 0.018 kg., volume - 0.385 liters. OEM items: ISUZU - 1157790940, MITSUBISHI - ME727491, NISSAN - 1913699015, UD TRUCKS - 1913699015. Photo: 9421611804.
OE External: | ISU1157790940; MITME727491; NID1913699015; NIS1913699015 |