Кольцо 2430210081 (manufacturer BOSCH) - retail price 287.50 rub., Wholesale price - according to the contract. Delivery time: in stock and on order. Free delivery in Moscow or to the transport company. According to the manufacturer's catalog, the auto part belongs to the following groups: Системы дизельного впрыска, Дизельные запасные части (современные системы). The main characteristics of the article 2 430 210 081: dimensions (89/29/29/) mm., weight - 0.001 kg., volume - 0.015 liters. OEM items: CASE - 4890926, CUMMINS - 4890926, FENDT - V837069313, IVECO - 4890926, KHD - 2111984, KHD - 02111984, LIEBHERR - 100403998, MERCEDES-BENZ - 0289972148, MERCEDES-BENZ - 9060170360, MERCEDES-BENZ - A0289972148, MERCEDES-BENZ - A9060170360. Photo: 2430210081.
OE External: | CAS4890926; CUM4890926; FENV837069313; IVE4890926; KHD02111984; KHD2111984; LIE100403998; MB0289972148; MB9060170360; MBA0289972148; MBA9060170360 |